
英語考試時間、查分時間 免費短信通知
1、The high level answers are a more natural style.
這點指,*答案往往用一種更口語化,更像Native Speaker的表達。
2、The high level answers use more linking phrases.
3、The high level answers are more detailed when describing or explaining something, (using reasons / examples / comparisons).
Question 1: Do you like your university?
6分表達: Yes. My teachers are very good and I have lots of friends there.
8分表達: Yes I do. I think my university`s great, because I mean, firstly, the teachers there are all really good, you know, I`ve learnt a huge amount from them. And another thing I really like about my university is the friends I`ve made there.
點評:類似于I mean, you know 這類是比較native的口頭表達,并不難學。但是烤鴨們要切記,一定不能用過量。簡簡單單的去剖析細節,分數就比籠統的一句話來的漂亮。
Question 2: How often do you watch TV?
6分表達: Not often, because I prefer using the Internet.
點評:后面加來一句I prefer,并沒有單單說一個Not often。不足的是,對于Part 1而言,這類問題的回答仍是太過簡短。建議3-4句話為佳。
8分表達: Not that often actually. I mean, I probably only watch it about two or three times a week, basically because I prefer watching stuff on the Internet.
點評:actually,這一個詞的使用是較為地道的表達。相信大家日常跟local聊天的時候,可以發現,他們時時刻刻都喜歡把xxxx actually掛在嘴邊,我們也可以學起來。另外,two or three times a week是一個細節,補充說明之前的not often究竟是一周幾次。Prefer watching stuff on the Internet又是一個細節,說明自己不??措娨暤脑?。
Question 3:Do you prefer eating at home or eating in a restaurant?
6分表達: I prefer eating at home because it`s healthier than eating out.
點評:很好,給出了原因。但是小編建議,可以再往深處挖一點點,再加一點口語化的詞匯,例如Simply Because這類詞組,才能給*一個給你*的理由。
8分表達: I`d say I generally prefer eating at home, simply because the food I eat at home is a lot healthier than the food you get in most restaurants.
點評:是不是覺得很native~ I’d say,simply because大家可以學著用起來,the food I eat at home is a lot healthier,解釋了前文所說的為什么喜歡在家里吃飯的原因,比較級的運用可以算是小小地show off一下喲。
Question 4:When was the last time you received a gift?
6分表達: About five weeks ago.
8分表達: Let me have a little think, um... I suppose it must have been about five or six weeks ago, and it was some chocolate that a friend of mine gave me when he came over to my home for dinner (coz my friends all know that I`m a bit of a chocoholic!)
點評:假如遇到不會答的問題怎么辦?切記切記,雅思口語考試其實也是一個交流的過程,*不一定期望你知道所有問題的答案,但一定expect你有response。Let me have a little think...I suppose...這就是非常好的開頭。
Question 5: Would you like to move to another city in the future?
6分表達:No, because I love my hometown.
8分表達: No I wouldn`t, the main reason being that I love my hometown, so if I moved somewhere else, I`m sure I wouldn`t be as happy as I am living here.
Question 6: Can you describe your home a little?
6分表達: My home is big, for example we have a big living room. And um...We also have a good view because our flat is very high.
點評:其實這個答案并不會得很低分。一般想要6分的同學完全可以這樣說。對于想要7分甚至于是更高的烤鴨們而言,切記切記,一定要explain more!
8分表達: Yeah, sure. Well first of all, it`s pretty big. For example, the living room is about three or four times the size of this room. And, um…what else… oh yeah, and another thing to mention is the view, because we live quite high up, on the twentieth floor, so we`ve got a really nice view of the city centre.
點評:在考試的高壓下假如能說出這樣的答案,那么7分妥妥的。對于家的描述可以說是雅思的經典題型,其變體的出現頻率非常高,但烤鴨們要回答得好還是有點難度的,因為可講的東西有很多,稍不留神就會顯得messy。這個回答中,告訴了*房間的大小(three or four times the size of this room),樓層的高低。全篇都是細節,非常符合*的三大準則。
1、The high level answers are a more natural style.
這點指,*答案往往用一種更口語化,更像Native Speaker的表達。
2、The high level answers use more linking phrases.
3、The high level answers are more detailed when describing or explaining something, (using reasons / examples / comparisons).
Question 1: Do you like your university?
6分表達: Yes. My teachers are very good and I have lots of friends there.
8分表達: Yes I do. I think my university`s great, because I mean, firstly, the teachers there are all really good, you know, I`ve learnt a huge amount from them. And another thing I really like about my university is the friends I`ve made there.
點評:類似于I mean, you know 這類是比較native的口頭表達,并不難學。但是烤鴨們要切記,一定不能用過量。簡簡單單的去剖析細節,分數就比籠統的一句話來的漂亮。
Question 2: How often do you watch TV?
6分表達: Not often, because I prefer using the Internet.
點評:后面加來一句I prefer,并沒有單單說一個Not often。不足的是,對于Part 1而言,這類問題的回答仍是太過簡短。建議3-4句話為佳。
8分表達: Not that often actually. I mean, I probably only watch it about two or three times a week, basically because I prefer watching stuff on the Internet.
點評:actually,這一個詞的使用是較為地道的表達。相信大家日常跟local聊天的時候,可以發現,他們時時刻刻都喜歡把xxxx actually掛在嘴邊,我們也可以學起來。另外,two or three times a week是一個細節,補充說明之前的not often究竟是一周幾次。Prefer watching stuff on the Internet又是一個細節,說明自己不??措娨暤脑?。
Question 3:Do you prefer eating at home or eating in a restaurant?
6分表達: I prefer eating at home because it`s healthier than eating out.
點評:很好,給出了原因。但是小編建議,可以再往深處挖一點點,再加一點口語化的詞匯,例如Simply Because這類詞組,才能給*一個給你*的理由。
8分表達: I`d say I generally prefer eating at home, simply because the food I eat at home is a lot healthier than the food you get in most restaurants.
點評:是不是覺得很native~ I’d say,simply because大家可以學著用起來,the food I eat at home is a lot healthier,解釋了前文所說的為什么喜歡在家里吃飯的原因,比較級的運用可以算是小小地show off一下喲。
Question 4:When was the last time you received a gift?
6分表達: About five weeks ago.
8分表達: Let me have a little think, um... I suppose it must have been about five or six weeks ago, and it was some chocolate that a friend of mine gave me when he came over to my home for dinner (coz my friends all know that I`m a bit of a chocoholic!)
點評:假如遇到不會答的問題怎么辦?切記切記,雅思口語考試其實也是一個交流的過程,*不一定期望你知道所有問題的答案,但一定expect你有response。Let me have a little think...I suppose...這就是非常好的開頭。
Question 5: Would you like to move to another city in the future?
6分表達:No, because I love my hometown.
8分表達: No I wouldn`t, the main reason being that I love my hometown, so if I moved somewhere else, I`m sure I wouldn`t be as happy as I am living here.
Question 6: Can you describe your home a little?
6分表達: My home is big, for example we have a big living room. And um...We also have a good view because our flat is very high.
點評:其實這個答案并不會得很低分。一般想要6分的同學完全可以這樣說。對于想要7分甚至于是更高的烤鴨們而言,切記切記,一定要explain more!
8分表達: Yeah, sure. Well first of all, it`s pretty big. For example, the living room is about three or four times the size of this room. And, um…what else… oh yeah, and another thing to mention is the view, because we live quite high up, on the twentieth floor, so we`ve got a really nice view of the city centre.
點評:在考試的高壓下假如能說出這樣的答案,那么7分妥妥的。對于家的描述可以說是雅思的經典題型,其變體的出現頻率非常高,但烤鴨們要回答得好還是有點難度的,因為可講的東西有很多,稍不留神就會顯得messy。這個回答中,告訴了*房間的大小(three or four times the size of this room),樓層的高低。全篇都是細節,非常符合*的三大準則。
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