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couturier 時裝設計師
a fashion designer (usually refers to high fashion, rather than everyday clothes design)
crèche *園;幼稚園
a nativity display; more commonly (in UK), a place where children are left by their parents for short periods in the supervision of childminders; both meanings still exist in French
crème br?lée 法式焦糖布丁
a dessert consisting primarily of custard and toasted sugar, that is, caramel; literally "burnt cream"
crème de la crème 精華,精粹
best of the best, "cream of the cream", used to describe highly skilled people or objects. A synonymous expression in French is ? fin du fin ?.
crème fra?che 鮮奶油
literally "fresh cream", a heavy cream slightly soured with bacterial culture, but not as sour or as thick as sour cream
crêpe 油炸雞蛋薄餅
a thin sweet or savoury pancake eaten as a light meal or dessert
croissant 法式羊角面包
a crescent-shaped bread made of flaky pastry
cri d'amour 愛的歇斯底里
a "cry of love"
critique 評價,指責
a critical analysis or evaluation of a work, or the art of criticizing.
cuisine minceur 瘦身食物
gourmet cooking for staying thin
cul-de-sac 死路
a dead-end (residential) street; literally "bottom (buttocks) of the bag".
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