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Stars星斗 — Sara Teasdale莎拉 蒂斯黛爾
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Alone in the night獨居無寐的夜里
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On a dark hill黑溜溜的山坡上
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With pines around me濃香,寧靜,
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picy and still,松柏樹將我圍繞,
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And a heaven full of stars over my head,滿天星斗,高懸在我頭上,
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White and topaz如白玉石如田黃玉
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And misty red;如霧籠排煙罩的紅玉;
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Myriads with beating不計其數,好似
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earts of fire that aeons,燃燒的心臟在心搏,
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Cannot vex or tire.沒有煩惱和疲憊。
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Up the dome of heaven高礦的天穹
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Like a great hill,好似一座高山,
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I watch them marching莊重,寧靜,
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Stately and still,我靜觀群星行駛,
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And I know that I我意識到
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Am honored to be我十分有幸印證
Witness of so much majesty.這般皇皇天威。
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