
其他考試時間、查分時間 免費短信通知
I need to rent a compact car. Necesito alquilar un automóvil peque?o. neh-seh-SEE-toh ahl-kee-LAHF oon ow-toh-MOH-veel peh-KEH-nyoh
How much it is per day? Cuánto es por día? KWAHN-toh ehs pohr DEE-ah?
·kilometer? ·kilómetro? ·kee-LOH-meh-troh?
How much is the insurance? Cuánto cuesta el seguro? KWAHN-to KWEHS-tah ehl seh-GOO-roh?
Do you need my driver's license? Necesita mi licencia de conducir? neh-seh-SEE-tah mee lee-SEHN-syah deh kohn-doo-SEER?
Is this the road to Madrid? Es éste el camino a Madrid? ehs EHS-teh ehl kah-MEE-noh a mah-DREED?
How do I get to the main highway? Cómo voy a la carretera principal? KOH-moh voy al lah kah-rreh-TEH-rah preen-see-PAHL?
Is it nearby? Queda cerca? KEH-dah SEHR-kah?
·far from here? ·lejos de aquí? LEH-hohs deh ah-KEE?
May I park the car here? Puedo estacionar el auto aquí? PWEH-doh ehs-tah-syoh-NAHR ehl OW-toh ah-KEE?
Where is there a service station? Dónde hay una gasolinera? DOHN-deh ahy OO-nah gah-soh-lee-NEH-rah?
Fill it with super. Llénelo con super. YEH-neh-loh kohn SOO-pehr.
Give me 40 liters of regular. Déme cuarenta litros de regular. DEH-meh kwa-REHN-tah LEE-trohs deh rreh-goo-LAHR.
Please check the tire pressure. Por favor, revise la presión de las llantas. pohr-fah-VOHR, rreh-VEE-seh lah preh-SYOHN deh lahs YAHN-tahs
·water. ·el agua. ·ehl AH-gwah.
Change the oil Cambie el aceite KAHM-byeh ehl ah-SAY-teh
My car won't start. Mi auto no arranca. mee OW-toh noh ah-RRAHN-kah.
I have a flat tire. Tengo una llanta ponchada. (Mexico) (or) ... pinchada. (Spain) TEHN-goh OO-nah YAHN-tah pohn-CHAH-dah (Mexico) (or) ... peen-CHAH-dah (Spain)
I'm out of gas. Se me terminó la gasolina. seh meh tehr-mee-NOH la gah-soh-LEE-nah
Can you change the tire? Puede cambiar la llanta? PWEH-deh kahm-BYAHR la YAHN-tah?
·tow the car to a garage? ·remolcar el auto a un garaje? rreh-mohl-KAHR ehl OW-toh ah oon gah-RAH-heh?